17 Jun

JUNE 15th, 2024

Investing in the Youth and Empowering them to live out their identity found in Christ. 

At the Youth Leadership Conference 2024, we experienced a truly heartwarming and uplifting day dedicated to investing in and empowering our youth to embrace their identity in Christ. 

Our aim was to present specialized tools tailored to reach other youths through dynamic and creative ways. In this conference, we not only offered these tools but also provided detailed training on their effective application. This approach will enable leaders to maximize the impact of their work, thereby strengthening their influence and effectiveness in the development of the young people under their care.

The day was filled with activities designed to inspire and connect.

We kicked off with engaging games, which allowed the youth to forge new friendships and build a sense of community. 

Beautiful time of worship, where the youth, united in spirit, poured their hearts out in praise, creating a reflective and warm atmosphere.

A powerful and inspiring message was delivered, encouraging the youth to live out their faith boldly and reach their generation for Christ. 

The emphasis was on understanding that each of them has a unique role to play in God's plan and that their youth is not a limitation but a strength.

Throughout the day, there was an abundance of snacks to keep everyone energized, and a delicious lunch provided a perfect opportunity for interaction and fellowship. 

The afternoon featured roundtable discussions where the youth engaged in meaningful conversations and collaborative problem-solving. These discussions were a valuable time for sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, and finding practical solutions to the challenges they face as youths.

The conference concluded with a heartfelt time of prayer led by Pastor Manuel, who prayed over the youth, blessing them with encouragement and spiritual renewal.

It was a blessed day, filled with connection, learning, and a deepening of faith. The youth left feeling empowered, ready to set an example and make a difference in their communities for Christ.

1 Timothy 4:12

 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity."