28 Jun

June 26, 2024

Fountain of Life Church, Orange Walk

To foster unity providing opportunities to connect, build friendships, support one another, through worship and a specific message.


The Sisterhood Conference was a night to remember. Over 150 incredible women gathered in Orange Walk to celebrate their faith and unity. The presence of the Holy Spirit was felt throughout the event—powerful and uplifting. Women came together as sisters in Christ, lifting each other up and sharing the love of God in a night filled with worship, fellowship, and inspiration.

Embracing Mary’s Choice in a Martha’s World

One of the highlights of the evening was the powerful message delivered by Pastor Justeina Brownlee from Xperience Church. Her sermon, centered around the theme “Embracing Mary’s Choice in a Martha’s World,” challenged to prioritize relationship with Jesus in a busy world. Justeina, who has been coming to Belize for several years, brought a message of freedom and encouragement, urging women to walk in the truth and embrace the freedom available in Christ.

Celebration and Fellowship

The conference was not just about spiritual growth; it was also a time of celebration and fellowship. The evening featured vibrant worship, fun games, and exciting giveaways. Each woman received special gifts, including beautiful necklaces and bracelets, serving as reminders of their worth in God’s eyes and the importance of continuing to grow in faith.

Honoring Extraordinary Faith and Resilience

A special moment of the conference was the recognition of Beverly Xiloj, a member of Fuente de Vida Church in Orange Walk. Beverly was honored for her extraordinary perseverance, strength, faith, and dignity in the face of adversity. Her journey of unwavering belief and trust in God amidst life's toughest challenges serves as an inspiring testament to faith and resilience.

Giving Back: The Redeeming Ruth Scholarship

The bond of sisterhood was further strengthened through a collective act of giving. The women at the conference came together to support the Redeeming Ruth Scholarship, providing a life-changing opportunity for Yazinnie Cantun, a vibrant and talented 13-year-old. Thanks to their generosity, Yazinnie will have her entire school year expenses fully funded, paving the way for a brighter future.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this conference possible. God Cares Outreach for partnering with us and for all of you who continuously support us with your prayers and finances.

The Sisterhood Conference was a memorable and spirit-filled event, leaving everyone with a renewed sense of purpose and spiritual renewal. As we reflect on this amazing experience, we are reminded of the words from: 

Hebrews 10:24-25

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another."

The bond of sisterhood and the spirit of giving we experienced will continue to inspire us all. We look forward to more gatherings where we can share God's love and grace, growing together as a community of faith.
