25 Mar

March 18-24, 2024

We are thrilled to share the heartwarming experiences from our recent mission trip to El Salvador, where Hope Alive partnered with Victory Church for a transformative journey. 

Team Collaboration and Service

Over the course of 10 days, a team of 160+ students and leaders from Victory Church embarked on a mission to serve the people of El Salvador. Divided into 5 teams, with the assistance of local translators, we worked hand in hand with dedicated volunteers, spreading love and hope throughout the region of Santa Ana.

Heart of Giving

One of the highlights of our trip was visiting homes in various communities, offering heartfelt prayers and distributing boxes of provisions to families in need. It was a beautiful demonstration of God's love in action.

Evangelism and Outreach

Through engaging dramas presented by Victory Church students, we shared the message of God's love and salvation with schools and communities. Witnessing the power of prayer, many children found hope in Jesus Christ, reaffirming their faith and making life-changing decisions.

Ministry and Worship

Mornings were spent ministering to schools, followed by visits to CDI centers in the afternoons and food distributions later in the day. We experienced a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit, with baptisms and salvations marking significant milestones in our journey. 

Crusade and Healing

Participating in a two-night crusade, we witnessed miraculous healings and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. People from all over El Salvador gathered to receive a message of hope, delivered by Pastor Paul Daugherty and Evangelist Daniel King.

Unity and Fulfillment

From start to finish, our mission trip was filled with blessings and impactful moments. Pastors, leaders, students, and volunteers joined forces in unity, embodying the hands and feet of Jesus.

Thank You! 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who support our mission, enabling us to spread the love of Jesus to all nations. Your continuous support makes a profound difference in the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey of faith!