18 Mar

Spreading the Word and Connecting Hearts 🤍


Dear Friends, 

On the month of March, on a beautiful Sunday, I had the incredible opportunity to preach at two distinct churches while on mission work in El Salvador. It was a deeply moving experience to be back in my homeland, reconnecting with my roots and sharing the love of Christ with my fellow Salvadorans.

In the morning, my team and I visited a church in El Congo, Santa Ana. Led by the gracious invitation of Angel Mendoza, a wonderful servant of God who facilitated our mission logistics. We were warmly welcomed into the church family.
I had the privilege of delivering a message on "The Dangerous Prayers," urging us all to boldly embrace God's calling in our lives. It was a humbling experience to witness the faith and passion of the congregation, and to share in fellowship with new brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Later that day, we journeyed to San Jose, Naranjo, my hometown. As I stood before familiar faces in the evening service, memories flooded back of my upbringing in this community. The worship, led by elders strumming guitars and singing traditional hymns, filled the atmosphere with reverence and joy. The church embraced us with open arms, offering prayers and words of encouragement for our ministry ahead.

Reflecting on these experiences, I am reminded of the power of God's Word and the profound impact of His work in our lives. I am filled with gratitude for each of you who support our ministry, making events like these possible. Your generosity enables us to spread the gospel and serve the body of Christ, both at home and abroad. 

As we continue on this journey of faith, let us remain steadfast in prayer, seeking more opportunities to share God's love with those in need. 

Together, let us press forward in faith, trusting in the path that God has set before us.

Here are a few highlights through photos and videos: 

In closing, I encourage each of you to embrace "The Dangerous Prayers" that challenge and stretch our faith. Let us be bold and valiant, standing firm in our convictions. May we learn to be still, listening attentively for God's voice and discerning His will. May our hearts be ever willing to follow and serve Him, ready to answer His call wherever it may lead. 

THANK YOU for your unwavering support and partnership in this mission of spreading the light of the gospel. 

May God's abundant blessings be upon you always ! 

# ToTheNations 

